Dream Inspire Unite Achieve

Who is Vocalescence?

Vocalescence Promo Video

We are a female ensemble, specialising in both the contemporary and the Barbershop style of 4 part harmony singing. We are proud to be associated with the world's largest singing organisation for women - SWEET ADELINES INTERNATIONAL. If you are a woman living in or near Queensland's Gold Coast who loves to sing and is looking for a quality group, or if you are an event organiser needing quality entertainment, you have come to the right place!  Check out our promotional clip.  https://youtu.be/LBsAvzLhSIo



Love singing? Interested in coming along to our next open night?
Mark it in your diary now!


When? tba

Where? Upper Coomera Centre, 90 Reserve Road,
Upper Coomera, 4209

What time? 6:45pm - 9:30pm



May be an image of 1 person, smiling and text
Another heartfelt True Blue, passing on the appreciation from one member of our chorus to another who went above and beyond ❤️

This month, Jackie chose Jen to receive the True Blue medal saying:
"I am handing over this True Blue to a member of the chorus who has helped me immensely, whether it be her little funny quirks or her amazing talent, she is always reaching out to help and her commitment to this chorus is unwavering. Even tho I didn't realise I needed it at the time, she has welcomed me into the fold of this amazing group of women and onto the fabulous journey I am now on. This new friendship has meant more to me than anything. Jen embodies everything Vocalescence is about, dream, inspire, unite, achieve!"

Thanks Jackie! Congratulations Jen!
#vocalescence #ladieswhosing #dreaminspireuniteachieve
#trueblue #welldeserved #oneofakind #chorus #inspiration ❤️ ❤️

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